Native breeds
The animals at Vallby Open Air Museum are called domestic animals. They belong to old Swedish breeds that lived in Sweden for many hundred years. Several of the breeds are today endangered. Learn more about the native breeds by clicking on the images.
Live collection of animals
The museum works with animal preservation of endangered species. The animals are a part of the museum´s live collection of animals.
Gestrike sheep
Gestrike sheep are an old strain of rustic sheep that originated in the Swedish province of Gästrikland.
Gotland pony
Gotland ponies are Sweden´s only indigenous breed of pony.
Gotland rabbit
Gotland rabbits are a local variety of Sweden’s old indigenous rabbit.
Hedemora hen
Hedemora hens are a remnant of an old indigenous hen from the Swedish province of Dalarna.
Jämt goat
Goats from the Swedish province of Jämtland are unbred indigenous goats that have adapted to Sweden’s northern climate.
Linderöd pig
Linderöd pigs, from the parish of Linderöd, are Sweden’s only endangered indigenous pig.

Swedish blue duck
The blue duck is hardy and can stay outdoors all year round. Colors may vary.

Swedish fur rabbit
The Swedish fur rabbit is one of our most endangered Swedish rabbit breed.
Öland goose
Öland geese, from the Swedish island of Öland, are lighter weight geese.